Millbury Women's Club promotes volunteering in the community!
2024-2025 Fund Raisers
Oct. 2024- The MWC will be Selling Yellow Tulips for Mental Health Awareness
Fri., Nov. 15th, 2024 - Ladies Night Out at the VFW, Evening of Comedy with Chris Zico and Gary Merino
April 2025- Pansy Sale for Pancreatic Cancer Research
UPCOMING MEETING TOPICS 2024-2025 at the Asa Waters Mansion
Oct. 7th- Mystery Book Author, the novel,"The Old Cape Map"
Nov. 4th- Veterans Program, US National Guard, Middle East Deployments
Dec. 2nd- Regifting Auction
Feb 2nd - RI State Trooper, Tom Bruso, Special Victims Unit & comfort dog, "Gus"
March 3rd- Troy Siebels, President & CEO, The Hanover Theatre
April 7th- Fashion Show, Katalina's Boutique, Northbridge
May 6th- Annual Meeting, Pleasant Valley CC
June 2nd- Plant Auction (open to the Public)
Club Information
Millbury Women's Club is a member of the General Federation of Women's Clubs. GFWCMA Headquarters are located at 245 Dutton Road, Sudbury, and GFWC International is located at 1734 N Street N.W. Washington DC 20036-2990.
The MWC is a non-profit organization dedicated to worthy charitable, philanthropic and educational causes, for mutual improvement in literary, artistic and educational interests, social, but non sectarian and non political, encouraging its members to volunteer in the community.
Club History
- Organized November 7, 1894
- Admitted to GFWC 1895
- Incorporated March 1944
Club Meetings
Regular monthly meetings are held on the first Monday of each calendar month with the exception of January, July and August. Meetings are held at the Asa Waters Mansion, 123 Elm Street, Millbury, MA at 6:30 p.m.
Join Us If you would like to join Millbury Women's Club, obtain additional information, or if you are interested in attending one of our upcoming meetings or events, please contact us. We welcome new members and look forward to building new friendships. Visit us on FB at Millbury Women’s Club
Mailing Address: P. O. Box 384, Millbury, MA 01527